Attendance & Absences
At Wayne STEM Academy, every day is essential to the learning process; therefore, we encourage every student to be at WSA every day. Students are responsible for collecting and making up any work that they missed while they were out of WSA. Students or parents may arrange to pick up work missed during an absence after they return.
Excused Absence include (G.S. 115C-378):
Medical or Dental Appointments
Religious Observance
Court Proceedings
Inclement Weather
Death of an Immediate Family Member
Military Leave
Absences will be considered UnExcused if a student misses WSA for any other reason or if the proper documentation is not provided for the absence within 7 days of the absence.
Notice of Absence
Unexcused Absences Schedule
Communication from Teacher
Communication from SIS, Attendance, & Enrollment Coordinator and Notification to the Executive Director
Communication from SIS, Enrollment, & Attendance Coordinator and the Executive Director. Notification to the Board. Parent Meeting.
The State Board of Education Ten Day Rule states that when a student accumulates ten consecutive days of unlawful absences, he/she is to be withdrawn from membership as of the first day following his/her last day in attendance.
Any student with 20 or more absences in any class in a WSA year is subject to failure of their grade level. If the Executive Director determines that retention or failure of a course is necessary based on attendance, the parent/guardian and student will be notified in writing.